
在英语中,Fortune这个词既代表着财富(可数名词)的累积,也象征着好运与命运(不可数名词)。 当谈论赚取大量财富时,我们常会使用短语 "make a fortune",意为发大财或创造财富。另一方面,当提及个人的好运或运气时,Fortune可以与不可数的luck相提并论,如说 "have good for...

no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any sponta...

2. 也有不太礼貌的表达: He ​inherited the ​family ​business - he must be loaded! 他继承了家族产业——肯定富得流油! They're filthy rich. 这些人都太特么有钱了。 3. 近几年又...

警察问他为什么时,他说就想知道骗子还能骗他多少钱!被广大网友调侃为:有钱就是这么任性! 任性一词在两会上被官方翻译翻成了capricious,更多人觉得willful比较贴切,所以“有钱任性”可以...

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